Fearra LaCome is utterly unique: she has vision, and no fear, and I’ve never met a model like her. Fearra has allowed me to find aspects and nuances in my own work that I never knew of, and then she held my hand, metaphorically, and walked me there.
Tryst is a stunning model from British Columbia whose daring and initiative set fire to the wonderfully creative set that we created — several photographic awards were had from this session.
From my second shoot with sensual_leigh, with an emphasis on high key.
Christiana is a wonderfully versatile model from the Ottawa area who effortlessly transitioned from portraits to body studies to glamour, and brought nuance and depth to each set — she is an artist with whom I eagerly anticipate working with again.
Two wonderful, magical models; one with whom I’ve worked before, another who was new to me, and in those few, short hours that we had together, the most incredible things were found!
This gallery is the product of a shoot that changed my life. Just a few months after initially working with Fearra and Lintendo, I was privileged to work with them again in May, 2021. The magic that happened, the trust and insights shared, the vulnerabilities explored, all profoundly impacted the way that I approached and viewed my Art -- I learned that the statement is not in the drama or the spectacle, but rather in the humanity of the moment, in the individuality of the gesture --
Lintendo tragically passed away just a few months later in October of that year, and although the tears of losing a friend dearly loved never lose their sting, she serves as an inspiration and a standard still, one that I will always hold close.
For my models, Fearra, Lindsey, you will always have a piece of my heart.
A wonderful collaboration of Marie Brooks, with whom I’ve worked previously, and Angharada, whose name is well-known internationally as a versatile and creative art model. The depth and breadth of our work speaks for itself.
Roxanne — ginger_rox — is an amazingly talented young model from the province of Quebec. With this being the first time that we’ve worked together, she effortlessly projected everything from coyness to sultriness to an almost feral ferocity with confidence and self-assuredness, and it was wonderful working with her.
“Resonance” has a very specific definition when applied to physics or chemistry or any of the hard sciences; when it comes to emotions, it’s much more ambiguous. The emotional context will change from one to another, as will the depth, but is amplified when shared. Fearra is a mainstay for my work, a light to which I’m ever-drawn, but this was the first time that we’ve been able to work together since the tragic passing of Lintendo in 2021. We three created Art together — we found profundities and joys and daring that I as a photographer had never encountered before, and then —
We worked in the same studio again, and in closing our eyes, it was almost as if Lindsey was there again, just out of reach, and that, more than anything else, flavoured the shoot.
The poignancy, the melancholy, the sadness —
The Resonance.
I met “Anonymous” serendipitously, and asked if she’d model for me, and even though she had never done this before, she said yes.
She was a complete novice, but only once before had I seen such confidence, and the graceful awareness and energy that she brought to the shoot was wondrous, and the epiphanies and magic that we found through the camera left me in awe —
So much so that, how could I possibly address her as anything else, other than “The Lady —”?
Production & styling by Fearra LaCome.
It’s taken too long, since my Anonymous Muse and I last worked together; too long since I felt the excitement of her vivacity, the daring and elegance of her posing, and the pleasure of both her conversation and her company.
She is a remarkable young woman, my Lady Anonymous, as this gallery well demonstrates.